Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹, this is the real-time Doge savings (estimated):
$111,615,167,649 has been saved,
which is 5.580758% of the $2T Doge target.

    Doge savings forecast ๐Ÿ•’

    2025 Total
    2025 Percent
    July 4, 2026 Total
    July 4, 2026 Percent
    Support me and charge my dreamsโ€”Teslaโ€™s on my list! ๐Ÿš— So I would like to invite you to answer this question when you support me.
    Will Doge can cut at least $2T by July 4, 2026?
    Choose Default if you want to support me without choosing Yes or No. If you choose Yes or No when support, percentages will be updated based on your and others choice. Important! This is NOT a raffle, this is a support for me. Thank you for your support. โค๏ธ